Spring is finally here--despite the fact that it was 18 degrees this morning and all the newly-bloomed daffodils are bent over in a posture of severe depression.
Our daffodils are smart though--we apparently live in a cold pocket and the ones in our yard have yet to bloom.
I prefer to stay under my warm blanket too.
The geese are bravely (and noisily) flying north at last:
So happily, I've recovered from my stomachache, after nearly a week of moping around and forgetting what food tastes like.
(I remember now. It's delicious.)
Our new house has running water and some electricity, appliances sitting in the middle of the floor, and forms ready to receive concrete if it ever gets warm enough to pour it.
We may be within a few weeks of moving, and as such, have started packing (much easier when you can get off the couch).
At the end of last week we finished boxing up the garage.
10 years worth of putting off decisions about things does tend to pile up.
I'm glad to have that cold task finished now that the weather has reverted to January.
Jason even tackled several huge boxes of cords and electronics that all needed to be sorted through. Some was plain trash, some was trash that would kill us all if we put it in a landfill, some was useable if someone wants it, and a few things were to keep.
Needless to say, the bedroom was covered in his sorting piles, with every manner of small electronic accessory scattered about, so much that Caleb asked if Daddy was making a robot.
Thankfully, Daddy did not inadvertently create robotic life, and we have a plan for all the hazardous heavy metals (you're welcome).
Much of this packing progress was made possible by Grandma, who kept the kids overnight for a sleepover party last week.
They weren't so heartbroken to leave me that they didn't sit on the side of the road for half an hour waiting for Grandma to arrive.
They had a fun time and I got the garage packed, so I suppose that's a win for everybody.