MRI results are in, and thankfully, all is clear!
I have completed Day 9 of IV treatments. 12 more to go.
The nurse comments that I'm doing better with the treatments, which I know is true. I didn't even have to lay down today when they plugged into my port. She praised me for facing my fear. No better time to face your needle phobia than when you feel as bad as this and the dreaded needles promise hope of recovery.
If I wasn't so seriously sick I don't think I could cope with the IVs. I've lost more weight with Lyme disease than I did with strep throat--and that's saying something, considering with strep I couldn't even swallow my own spit.
Fortunately our generous meal providers have been feeding me up and I'm in no danger of starvation.
Daily hospital bracelets. |
These last few days it seems I've been moving around a little better, which indicates the medicine is kicking in at last.
The doctor called to talk to me yesterday and expressed both encouragement that we're on the right track and warning that it will be a long haul. First the antibiotic needs to kill all the disease, in every muscle and nerve it has invaded, and then my body will need time to heal. He said:
"You want this to be a short battle, but it's a war. We will win the war."
I hope he's right. I'm looking forward to victory.