Oh, nonsense! People do not die of little trifling colds!
-Mrs. Bennett, Pride and Prejudice
Notwithstanding good Mrs. Bennett's confidence, this one is giving me a run for its money.
It takes all the faith I have and then some to believe that weakness can be a good thing. Other women I know and admire have the energy of a hummingbird and the immunity of an ox...and here I am, laid low, again, by a little trifling cold.
Although, in my defense, it might actually be strep throat.
And Mayo Clinic adds insult to injury by declaring that strep is most common in children. Ha. Here's my children when they (rarely) have strep:
Here's me when I (more frequently) have strep:
Plus, my brief forays downstairs to find something to eat have shown me that I've passed the point of no return. The house has descended into utter anarchy (never a long way down) and that moment when the best way to tidy up would be to burn the whole house down and start over. Thus, the longer I take to recover, the stronger I need to be to face what's down there.
How I long for the day with no more sickness, or toil. I'm sure in heaven it's always 78º and the flowers are blooming; the house cleans itself; and I'm free from the shackles of infirmity.
He drained death's cup that all may enter in.