Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Schooooool’s out for summer!

We’re in a lovely sweet spot this week where we’ve finished school and soccer but haven’t yet started swim team or any of the rest.  In fact the rest of the world is still in school, which makes it even sweeter (for me.  The kids of course are lamenting that their friends can’t play during the day).

The pool opened this weekend and I actually went in—not wearing a wetsuit.  The key is to not even stick a toe in, but just jump off the diving board, so the moment you realize you’ve made a terrible mistake is the moment you can’t do anything about it.  It was the kind of cold that makes your head hurt, but it was actually so hot outside that I had to keep subjecting myself to it every twenty minutes to average out my temperature to comfortable.

I’m already in full vacation mode, eating ice cream and margaritas, sleeping in and reading novels.  It’s not a forever sustainable lifestyle, but I think it’s one I’ll embrace until I feel recovered.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Almost summer

 I think I’m gonna make it.

Caleb finished school for the year this morning.  

The girls are plugging along.  They have a few more days.  

The summer Sunday school is written; only logistics need to be worked out (like snack distribution).

I decided I can deal with the rest of next year’s school planning in August, so I put away all my notes with the unopened boxes of new books.

I finished reading Huck Finn before Ada’s last book report is due.

If I can get through the tail end of baseball and soccer season, the spring piano recital, the rest of school, a family dentist appointment, and new glasses for Lizzy, I’ll soon be in full swing with VBS planning, weekly Sunday school teaching, horse riding lessons, swim team, youth group camp outs, and family reunions.

The kids are convinced they’re going to be bored this summer.

I might defenestrate the next child who suggests that.

Jeddy and Jason flew across the country yesterday.  I downloaded an airline tracker and we were glued to it for hours.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The four people I’m most proud of

It’s that time of year.

I took Lizzy to a florist to buy flowers for her science project.  The flower lady arranged them so beautifully I felt bad sacrificing them for science.  Also, it was really sunny.

Ada, proving that her “use a smaller cup instead of holding it” theory of egg dyeing is perfectly effective.

We invited Grandma and Grandpa over for a science fair, wherein Lizzy, Caleb and Ada (and Ears and Buck) showed off their scientific presentations.

We’re thiiiis close to being done with school.

Jeddy actually is done with school, including the SAT and the two AP exams he took.  He hasn’t gotten the AP results back yet, but he did extremely well on the SAT.  I know most colleges are test-optional these days, but he got a score that can’t hurt if he discloses it.  And it lends objective evidence to his mommy-bestowed GPA.

Liz and Caleb spent the weekend at Grandma and Grandpa’s.  I took advantage of the time to work feverishly on planning next year’s school, alternating with working feverishly on finishing up the summer Sunday school curriculum that I’m writing, both of which I need to get done before we go to the beach next month.

I allowed myself five hours of sleep, and I’m happy to say that by Saturday evening I felt adequately on top of things.  I ordered school books, I have a schedule made and many lessons planned, and we know when the first day of school is.

I had no idea chicks could be so cuddly.

My children’s ministry director has been very encouraging and is pleased with the Sunday school lessons I’ve written.  Hopefully it’s not vain to say so, but I’m proud of the work I’ve done on it.

It fell asleep in my arms!

Jason gave me a magnetic ring thingy for the back of my phone for Mother’s Day, and I was practicing the new and improved selfie capability.

But you know what I’m more proud of?

Four things.

More Mother’s Day presents!

Jed finished his junior year academically strong.  He’s (mostly) enjoyable to live with.  He’s trustworthy and cheerful—not qualities you find in every teenager.  He helps lead worship at youth group, just got accepted to be a student leader next year, and serves the broader church body regularly.  He thinks for himself and doesn’t take himself too seriously.  He has his head on straight regarding the important things in life.

Ada is fun to spend time with and is kind and smart and diligent and reliable.  She’s a talented artist and baker.  She also helps lead worship at youth group (on keyboard) and is eager to serve the church body by helping in various ways with younger children.  She is a wonderful big sister and often asks me how she can help—and her help is indispensable to me.

I found a 2008 road atlas at the library they were giving away for free, so I brought it home for Caleb, who has been poring over it ever since.

Jed dressed and ready to go to a semi-formal dance.  See above re: not taking himself too seriously.

Lizzy is a wealth of knowledge of all things animal-related.  She recently revealed a surprisingly impressive watercolor talent.  She often has her nose in a book, frequently with a notebook in the other hand, taking detailed notes on various animal species.  She has a generous heart, noticing when others are in need and giving of herself to help if she can.  She can’t wait to volunteer at church to serve the children.

Caleb still hears the beat of his own drum.  He just completed the last level of his reading program, making a roaring comeback from the struggles of years past; he also often has his nose in a book this days—that is, when he’s not endlessly rearranging his model city that takes up a third of the playroom, or creating advanced civilizations in the sand pit, or drawing impossibly complex highway interchanges on dozens of pieces of paper taped together.  Despite driving me insane by doing it when he’s supposed to be learning spelling rules, he makes incredible working machines out of nothing but basic linking cubes.  Jeddy himself has been forced to admit that Caleb’s Lego creations are becoming seriously impressive.  And he whistles while he does his household chores, demonstrating a cheerful, conscientious willingness to help out.

His date’s one stipulation was “Don’t wear orange.”

Fortunately she seems to have a sense of humor.

All this, despite our many failures and flaws as parents.  God has been very kind to us and we’re very thankful.  I pray with all my heart they continue on the trajectory they’re on.  May they be smart and passionate and pleasant if possible, but more so let them love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and walk with Jesus all the days of their life.


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