Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Thinking outside the atmosphere

Some problems are easy to solve.  Like penguins being endangered by climate change.  Caleb suggested we send them all to Uranus, since it’s cold there.  

He also suggested sending all our vulnerable ocean animals to Neptune, since they don’t need air to breathe—the only problem being the utter lack of water.

We were able to travel for our anniversary, staying well sealed up in a little cabin in the mountains, while the kids joyously spent the week with Grandma and Grandpa.  

I invested in a telescope, in an attempt to teach astronomy (thus Caleb’s outer-space-themed environmental solutions).  I also invested a lot of time in researching astronomical events of 2021 so we can be knowledgeable the next time there’s a once-in-six-hundred-years night sky wonder.  

In preparation for our first stargazing event, I set up the telescope in my room and pointed it at the distant mountains.

As I was adjusting it, with the remote camera trigger in my hand, a bird flew in front of it!  

This was (sadly), by far, the best picture I’ve taken of anything so far through the telescope, despite freezing our fingers off that evening as I worked for an hour and a half trying to find Uranus as it passed next to the moon and Mars.  

Bunny picture not taken with telescope.

Last week I took my heart in my hands and had my first experience riding in the passenger seat while my own offspring drives the car.

I tell you, it’s weird having a baby, it’s weird when they learn to walk away from you, it’s weird when they ride their bike down the street, it’s weird when they have their first sleepover...and it’s weird when they learn to operate a motor vehicle.  

Do you ever stop worrying?  I’m guessing no.

Jeddy measures the bunny’s fur with his new digital calipers.  He also did his width and the length of his ears (91.54 millimeters).

Other than that, we carry on with our normal classroom activities.  

With our normal classroom participants.

Thus we’re passing the everlasting lockdown, working through our school, trusting God’s sovereignty, and hoping for some snow along the way.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Standing on hope

The night before Christmas...

Ada’s first gift opened

2020 ornament

We gathered in the playroom per usual this past Sunday to watch the recording of the church service.  

I was not feeling it.  My back hurt and I was hungry and mostly I was so over virtual everything.

New coffee cup

Ada made me a baby Yoda ornament!

And got me suuuuuch a fuzzy blanket

Watching worship at home, even singing along, is not gathering with God’s people.  

Jeddy got Caleb a pair of Nerf dart guns.

New critters for Lizzy.

So I propped my back with pillows and resignation.  And then we started singing.

Ada made this awesome BB8 ornament for Jason.

And a new coffee mug.

Standing, standing,

Standing on the promises of God my Savior;

Standing, standing,

I’m standing on the promises of God.

Let His praises ring, indeed.  Within the confines of unasked-for seclusion, I am still standing on His promises:  that He is for me; that He is ordaining every thing for my good; that He is preparing an eternal home of peace and joy for me; that He is with me, sympathizing with me, and will never leave me; that I have His ear in prayer; that I will never slip through His fingers.  

A present for Ears.

New carrot outfit, handmade by Ada.

What is it?

It’s a 3-D printer!!

Child of heaven, canst thou repine?

And so we continue quietly at home.  I take creature comfort in layers of ultra-fuzzy blankets and coffee topped with foamed milk courtesy of my fancy new espresso machine and the occasional hot bath and mild, mindless rom-coms that are free to me on Amazon Prime.

Lizzy, beginning to open a big box packed with baking kits.

And more...

and more...

and more...

and more.

I’m thankful to be safe at home with my loved ones, to continue school uninterrupted, to have food and hot drinks to fill our bellies and hope to buoy our spirits.

Bunny puzzle.

Don’t mess with Liz.  She will defend her critter kingdom.

No chilling winds nor poisonous breath

Can reach that healthful shore;

Sickness, sorrow, pain and death,

Are felt and feared no more.

Jason, drinking beer out of his new Clark Griswold moose mug

The 3-D printer was assembly required.

Success!  A 3-D-printed frog.

Happy New Year!

Russell K. Carter, “Standing on the Promises”

Henry Lyte, “Jesus I My Cross Have Taken”

Samuel Stennett, “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand”

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