I hired a last-minute painter to repaint the school room in mid-August. It was mildly embarrassing to let him into the end-of-summer state of things, but he did an excellent job. In fact, once he was done, the walls were the only admirable sight in the room.
Lizzy wanted to rearrange the furniture, so I let her have at it for a few days.
Several configurations were tried, and I was astonished to realize I could do without not one but four bookshelves. Seventh grade and up requires far fewer supplies than elementary grades.
When Lizzy had the furniture mostly situated, I got to work shoveling out the mess, not neglecting to put Caleb to work as well.
I worked all day and all evening on Thursday, but on Friday I only worked for a couple hours in the morning, because it was Welcome Day at the community college where Ada is taking her classes this year. And on the way there we stopped at the jeweler’s to pick up my newly sized rings!
Sadly, I haven’t been able to wear them since six months ago when I almost broke my finger getting the wedding band off and had to really admit my fingers are not the same size they were 20 years ago.
I attended Welcome Day with Ada where we had her student ID made and got a parking pass. We bought her textbook and located the main campus buildings. When we left she was reasonably confident she could successfully attend her first class the following week.
Over the weekend we went to the county fair.
And had an early birthday party at Grandma’s house!
By Monday afternoon the school room was pretty orderly.
And by midweek we were able to start school in a nice, clean, organized room.
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Ada leaving for her first day of community college classes |
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