Saturday, September 28, 2024

Back to back bugs

A week and a half after the kids returned from a retreat with a respiratory bug, they were finally starting to feel ok enough to work through their school backup, even despite Lizzy developing an ear infection and starting antibiotics.

I gave Jason a warm welcome home from his business trip, breaking in my new birthday charcuterie board.

Finally, two weeks later, they were recovered enough to make it to 80’s & 90’s Night at youth group, rocking their outfits with 100 of their closest friends.

And when they got home…Caleb had a fever and they were both droopy all over again.

It was clear to me that this was a new bug. It featured fever and coughing, rather than the running nose and sore throat of the first bug.

By Friday it had gotten ridiculous.

Lizzy said her ears hurt again. Caleb couldn’t go a day without spiking a fever.

The doctor said that “it would be very unusual to develop an ear infection while you’re on antibiotics” and also flu was unlikely because it’s so early and he hasn’t seen a single case yet.

Famous last words from the doctor.

Congratulations to Caleb, who gets the prize for the first case of influenza in our region. And to Lizzy by extension, because though he only tested one of them, he thinks they have the same bug. 

Oh, and she has an antibiotic-resistant double ear infection as well.

Many apologies to the youth group and all their families.

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