Tuesday, October 15, 2024

In joy or pain


Ada serving at a fun church event that Liz and Caleb missed because they were home with the flu.

It’s funny that I was distressed about three consecutive weeks of kid sickness, because now that—I think, maybe—we’re seeing the end of it, it’s been five consecutive weeks since it started.

The brief but lovely interlude between Liz and Caleb’s flu and Ada’s flu

A cold/ear infection for Lizzy and Caleb [13 days] + influenza/ear infections for Lizzy and Caleb [10 days] + 2 days of false hope + influenza for Ada [10 days] = 35 days. 

The night Ada came home sick from the high school retreat

Celebrating Lizzy’s birthday…Ada hadn’t moved from the couch in a while by this point

Jason and I got flu shots in the middle of it all and he was down for a day with either side effects from the vaccine or a battle with the actual bug living in our house. 

I haven’t gotten any of it, confoundingly, but I have been living with varying levels of pain in my hip and other assorted body parts. 

I finally decided I preferred not to live in constant pain, and I ultimately got a health provider willing to see me (when I called my normal doctor saying IT HURTS RIGHT NOW, their earliest “same day appointment” was three weeks out [?!]).

After a full week Ada was able to vary her routine by lying down outside for a while instead of inside. She even helped Lizzy with her math. She had to nap the rest of the day to recover from the exertion, though.

The diagnosis: perimenopause. So that’s exciting.

October girls’ birthday party!

Fortunately(ish) there are supplements that she says can help. She put me on three new ones, not counting the vitamins I’m already taking. So, downside, I may need to get a bigger daily pill dispenser. And also travel with an extra duffel bag to lug all my herbal remedies around.

Making a happy birthday video to send to Ada, who was too sick to attend her own party.

Happy birthday to youuuuuu

Besides all that, she assigned me yoga (ok); 20 minutes a day wearing a weighted vest (weird); and monthly massages (ooooo).

Jason said it all sounds crunchy.

I was thinking it all sounds expensive.

Whether in life or death,

Whether in joy or pain,

I know this truth remains,

That this is the day You made.

This is the day

That the Lord has made.

We will rejoice

As we lift His name.

~ Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, and Tiarne Tranter, “This Is the Day”

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