Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Important things


Maddie helping us get ready for date night a few weeks ago, and discovering her career calling as a charcuterie arranger.

Today would start the fourth week of school for us, but some kind of plague has descended upon our household.

All three kids who live with us went to a youth retreat over the weekend; Liz and Caleb as campers and Ada as work crew; and, predictably, now they’re all three sick.

I don’t think that report on William of Malmesbury is going to happen.

Also, I’m not sure when we’ll ever catch up on Latin or anything else, because although I feel great at the moment, I assume I’ll come down with it around the time they start feeling better.

It’s been lots of fun watching Ada play volleyball for the dual reasons that she suddenly got really good this year and I don’t have to drive her, which means we can enjoy home games and live the rest of our lives when she has away games.

Caleb’s had exactly one soccer practice for the fall season, since he was too sick to go this week. And same with Lizzy and her lap swimming at the pool in town.

Last date night

While the kids were on retreat with the youth group, Jason was home alone because *I* went away for a long weekend with four other ladies, just for the sake of friends hanging out! It was wonderful. We talked and talked and talked and talked. We laughed; we cried. We played games that made us laugh until we cried. We went shopping. We did touristy stuff. We went out to dinner. We went out to lunch. And then we went back and put on our jammies and talked and talked some more.

I only missed one full day of school going away, but then we all came home and the kids have been sick ever since, so school is quietly piling up.

But going on retreat to hear from God’s word and bond with your friends old and new is sometimes more important than daily Latin review and a report on William of Malmesbury.

A fun puzzle that distracted Lizzy and me for quite a while—made of washer-softened scraps of paper I found in the back pocket of jeans I just got from the thrift store. We couldn’t get over the mystery of the extra note written on the grocery list—what for assistants?? And how did her spinach angel hair pasta turn out??

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