Monday, December 23, 2024

Merrier Christmas

And there was a woman…who had suffered much under many physicians…and was no better but rather grew worse.

Luke 5:25-26

When I woke up last Wednesday, I did not expect to get a shoulder X-ray that day.

I had been starting to be reminded of the string of doctors I visited before I was diagnosed with Lyme disease.

Step one, I get some weird and significantly uncomfortable bodily symptoms—in this case, a pulled muscle around my hip that just wouldn’t heal, and then an inexplicably painful shoulder.

Step three, I see someone, who diagnoses/theorizes something.

Step four, I do everything they say.

Step five, I feel worse.

Repeat steps 3-5 for a while.

Doctor visit #3 was last week, and at least he did real tests. He poked around and moved my arm and leg in various ways, saying big words to the nurse who recorded everything he said; then he ordered bloodwork and an X-ray and prescribed a big deal painkiller.

I don’t know everything, but I do know this new painkiller works.

He personally called me—just as he did 9 1/2 years ago to tell me my Lyme result—to talk through my X-ray and blood test results. 

It was all as ideal as I can imagine, really. The bloodwork was all clear, so nothing serious going on there. And the X-ray showed just enough to justify me complaining of pain: a spur and [facepalm] minor arthritis.

We’ll probably work on some long-term solutions, but he gave me plenty of the prescription painkiller to give me a much merrier Christmas in the meantime.

And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.

Luke 1:31

Jesus! the name that refreshes the fainting spirits of humbled sinners; sweet to speak and sweet to hear, Jesus, a Savior! 

Matthew Henry, Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible

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