Monday, June 1, 2015


I'm so blessed with not only a calvary of volunteer helpers, but an army of people praying for me.  

How do you know how loved you are unless you get seriously ill?

Sadly but sweetly, they've gotten to know me at the hospital, and it was wonderful when I walked in on Jason's arm yesterday (first time not in a wheelchair) and saw my nurse's face light up!  She was thrilled to see me walking, and another patient who was in the middle of her infusion said, "Aren't you the lady I've seen in a wheelchair?  All right!" and gave me a thumbs-up.  

Also, my dear brother and sister-in-law sent me an Edible Arrangement!  Beautiful, delicious, and heart-warming.


  1. Looks like it was yummy!! So glad to hear you were able to walk into RMH under your own "steam." :-)

  2. Looks like it was yummy!! So glad to hear you were able to walk into RMH under your own "steam." :-)


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