Sunday, July 31, 2022

Beach #2

Because what’s better than one summer beach trip?

Two summer beach trips.

This Fourth of July baby is turning 70!

Lizzy’s new business, Walks and Wags, ramped up after the 4th.  She dogsat two clients while their humans were away.

She’s commandeered this closet as her business office.

We’re halfway through our summer children’s Sunday school series, “Standing on the Promises.”  Now that it’s fully written, my week-to-week duties include coordinating snack donations, teaching from the front, and, occasionally, stringing colorful pom-poms on string for opening activities.   

All for the glory of God.

July is also VBS season—directing which is actually a paid job for me, unlike stringing pom-poms.

VBS duties this year included fewer pom-poms but more meetings with the other leadership, sustained by the joy of the Lord and the occasional coffee stop on the way home.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


After coming home from the beach, the rest of my June was taken up with playing with friends’ puppies after horseback riding lessons with Liz…

roasting marshmallows in the backyard…

watching our town’s early fireworks (we were a little late, thus this pic from our moving car)…

playing with Lizzy’s almost-full-grown chickens at Grandma’s house…

visiting a swimming hole…

expanding and refreshing the sandbox…

watching thunderstorms from inside…

more evenings in the backyard…

praying for more godly character…

swim meets…

and sprawling out reading books.

Happy summertime.


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