Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lots and lots of snow

By midday Friday when we went outside, there was about 3 inches of snow.  We broke in our new sledding area and everyone was pleased with how slick and fast it was.

Then yesterday we woke up to this:

Suddenly the sled hill is awfully far away from our door.

And apparently when you're 3 feet tall, 3 inches is a more ideal snow depth than 2 feet.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Outdoor-only beauty

It's been a long time since I've posted.  

I got some decorating money for Christmas so I've been working on redoing (or just doing, for the first time) the living room.  The problem is, between schooling, making dinner, laundry, and locking myself up to decompress from all the TALKING, I'm only left with snatches of time to think about prettying things up.  

Plus every time I leave the room, this happens.

Step one was to roll up the rug and rearrange the furniture.

And rearrange it again.

And again.

And again.

Eventually it was time to put the rug back.

And that's about as far as I've gotten on that.

School is plugging along.  We've passed Halfway Day now.

And we spent our anniversary on the beach!

Nobody on the beach but seagulls.

We hit the books extra hard this week to earn the day off today...

...for snow!

This is it just starting, assuming accurate forecasts.

As you can see, we've kept the driveway pretty clear so far.  The next 24 inches will be noooo problem.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Ring that new year

Our latest science project involves a well-sealed cage of stinging red harvester ants in the school room.  They rush around building tunnels in the dirt and hoarding up crumbs of food.

I've repeatedly warned my own children, as well as every adult and child who has slept over on our school room futon, not to bump the ant cage, lest they escape and bite us all.  Caleb in particular has had *multiple* admonishments to stay back.  They will bite you and it will hurt!  Don't touch!

After weeks of self-control from guest and resident children, guess who knocked over the ant cage?

{Hint:  Jason's dad said this person would have been his 5th guess.}

Mercifully, I was wearing long pants and shoes at the time of this unfortunate incident.  Much screaming and yelling and frantic lethal stomping occurred.  Brave Jeddy--who was not wearing long pants or shoes--ran in to help.

At the end of the incident, Jeddy had sustained a bite on his knee and our ant population was reduced by half--but the surviving ants were safely resealed and my new Apple watch registered 2 minutes of physical exercise, as measured by elevated heart rate.

Caleb was quite upset with me.  He tearfully told me, "That wasn't a good idea."

He also crawled trembling into my arms and whimpered, "If you do that again I'll spank you."

Making thank-you cards

After this we gathered, shaken but safe, around the table.  Halfway through lunch, Caleb noticed a dead fly floating in the milk jug that everyone was drinking from.


More yelling and running ensued.  The milk was dumped, Caleb was praised, and the lid of the new milk jug came off only for merest seconds before being emphatically replaced.

Such ended our 2015:  a banner year.

In January last year our house was only half-built, and we observed our first annual Halfway Day.

I spent last February toilet shopping and making endless trips to Lowe's.

In March we started packing to move.

Jeddy began his Little League career in April, and we moved.

In Maywas diagnosed with Lyme disease and started daily hospital treatments.

In Juneregained the ability to walk and we went to the beach.

We started a new school year in August:  5th grade, 2nd grade, pre-K and preschool.

In Octobercompleted a 31-day blogging challenge.

May your New Year bring robust health, joyous family time, and a distinct lack of disease-carrying, biting little critters.

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