Thursday, January 1, 2015

Post-holiday stupor

I had my eight-week checkup at the chiropractor.

Ada came with me since we had back-to-back appointments--she had some weird thing going on with her eye for the pediatrician to look at--and she said it was funny to watch me get worked on.

After I talked him out of making me redo the tests I previously passed, I performed just the one strength assessment.  We're ultimately aiming for the average of 149 seconds.  For my two previous assessments I held for 7 and 22 seconds, respectively.

This time I hit 86!  Woohoo!.....?

Apparently, although far below average, this gets me out of the danger zone for back injury, because he doesn't want to see me again for six months.  Which is good, in that I've made great progress and have achieved stability.

But it's also bad, in that I don't have frequent accountability from someone who can tell if I'm doing the exercises or not.

Thus, new freedom from doctor visits has combined with Christmas cookies, celebratory spirits, erratic scheduling, and general holiday indolence to produce a marked disinclination to any sort of physical movement on my part.

In God's wise providence, however, our school break is coming to an end.  Which means several things, among which:

-I'll probably have to feed my children breakfast before 10am

-I'll have to get my brain in gear

-Worse, I'll have to get my kids' brains in gear

-I'll have to clear the junk off of some flat writing surfaces

-I'll have to remain responsibly engaged with my older children during the younger ones' naptime

-I can't in good conscience listen to Andy Williams sing "The Holiday Season" anymore


It also means I should probably plan to work in some physical movement, lest I spend the next six months in sloth and shock the chiropractor in June with a score of 3.

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