Sunday, February 22, 2015

Snow days

If a picture is worth a thousand words, I might have to type out a few thousand words to make up for the lack of pictures of snow and other lovely things.

A couple weeks ago, it was park weather and you could almost believe spring would come again.

Then it turned ridiculously cold over the weekend, so cold that church was cancelled.  As in, double-digits below zero with the wind chill factored in.  As in, obscene-for-this-latitude cold.

Then it snowed on Presidents' Day, just after I got home from another morning spent at Lowe's, where I bought major appliances (exciting!) and doorknobs (less exciting) and door stoppers (least exciting).


My field trip on Tuesday morning I had planned for our homeschool group was postponed due to the weather.

Guess where I spent Friday?

That's right!  Lowe's again, this time buying chair rail and wainscoting.  That probably ranks somewhere between appliances and doorknobs for sheer thrill.

I had to do it Friday, because yesterday we got another 9-10 inches (ish) of snow and whiteout conditions.  But no fear!  I spent all day watching the snow and spending more money on  Lighting fixtures and more doorknobs and bathroom mirrors, oh my!

Only this morning did we realize the snow was a) deeper than we thought, and b) stickier than we thought and by 10:00 we further realized that we weren't going to be dug out in time to make it to church.

Around 11:30 the shovel broke.

By that time we had stripped all winter gear off since the sun was so warm, so we gave up shoveling and instead draped old blankets over snowbanks and laid back to soak up the sun.

They're calling for snow again next Saturday.  

Now I know why I keep seeing geese flying south.  Apparently they talked to the groundhog.  Way to procrastinate til February, winter.

So, no, I don't have delightful pictures of my children frolicking in the snow, or the cute snowmen they built that melted by noon, or the beautiful scenery.  

All I have are boring pictures of bathrooms nearing completion

and finished siding on the garage

and moderately cute pictures of us hunkering down and doing school.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. The end of the building process is in sight!!


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