The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in.
Psalm 121:8
I managed to squeeze in back-to-back trips right before we started school. First was rural Pennsylvania to reunite with my side of the family.
Three out of the ten cousins |
We stayed near a lake with a sandy beach. The cousin corps of engineers spent all afternoon perfecting a river system, complete with boats and a dam.
2-year-old Micaiah took directions surprisingly well. |
And the latest, newest cousin: sweet 2-month-old Benjamin. ♡ |
Brothers. |
The full brood, with Nana and Grandpa. |
Uncle Kevin, superintending the eating of icy pops, and looking quite stern. |
He seems bemused by Caleb's technique. |
Because packing for one trip at a time just isn't enough, I only made it halfway home before hopping out at the airport and jetting to sunny Texas.
Behold, the reason I came:
Baby Wyatt, first nephew on Jason's side.
The beautiful great-auntie Vickie Jo. |
Vickie and I were there at the same time to visit Jo and help all we could. We were a great auntie team, if I do say so myself. We took Wyatt grocery shopping and errand running; we picked up breakfast at the bakery; we walked the dog; we left Jo home alone for naps; we packed her freezer with homemade meals; we rocked and bounced and snuggled that little guy all we could.
And Austin is beautiful. |
Raven, Wyatt's elder sister. |
Very tired but still beautiful baby mama! |
One last walk with the little man before I had to depart. |
I stood in line at the airport curbside blinking back tears, hating to leave an exhausted new mama (and daddy) alone and far away with an adorable but relentless little person.
Plus I kind of fell in love with Wyatt and I know my love will be forgotten and unrequited when I next see him. Snif.
I might also have been a little terrified of what the TSA might do to me at security. I felt a lot better once I was through all that, safely at my gate, and on my way home to a hug and kiss from the arms I missed the most.
Love the "cousin corps of engineers" pix. And the pictures of you and Jo and Vickie Jo with little Wyatt are wonderful!