Thursday, September 14, 2017


"I'm going to invite Santa Claus to my birthday.  Then I'll get more birthday presents than anyone!"

-Caleb... whose birthday is in July, 10 months from now

Baby Wyatt is in town, escorted by his mama, who seems to be discovering every day all the less-romantic aspects of parenthood.

Such as, it's really hard to go anywhere.

And, it takes too much wherewithal to make dinner.

And, you don't care about anything when you're so bone tired.

It's really easy to fall into an obnoxious I've-had-four-kids know-it-all attitude.  So to save me from that, God seems to have given me one child who, after successfully using one particular curriculum with multiple other children, apparently requires a holistically different approach and an entirely new curriculum.  

Because just because you've had one child, doesn't mean you've had 'em all.  

This is super easy for me, being the model of spontaneity and flexibility that I am.  And also humility, because it's always a delight to be reminded you haven't figured everything out.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm going to invite Santa Claus to my birthday. Then I'll get more birthday presents than anyone!"---now that's creative thinking, and shows a true investment of mental energy applied to the problem. Gotta love that little man. 🙂


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