Monday, January 8, 2018


Jeddy:  "What if a fireman can't find his boots when there's a fire alarm?"

Me:  "I guess he'd get fired."

Jeddy:  "Good one, Mommy!"

*Further questions asked during this too-lengthy conversation:  What if a fire truck was going to an emergency and they passed a car on fire?  What if a fire truck was going and there was a deer standing in the road?  What if a fireman was in the bathroom when the alarm went off?  What if he was half-finished shaving?  If they're in the middle of a meal, do they put the milk away?  What if a fireman was cooking chicken and it caught on fire but they got called to another fire?  What if a fireman got on the truck wearing a baseball cap because he forgot his helmet?  What if his foot got stuck putting his boot on?  What if one fireman was in the bathroom and another one really had to go bad and the fire alarm went off?

Real firemen welcome to leave the answers to these pressing questions in the comment section.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite: What if a fireman was cooking chicken and it caught on fire but they got called to another fire?


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