Sunday, March 10, 2019

Quotes from my children

We start each school day together with Bible time.  It usually takes a few minutes for everyone to settle down and get in school mode.  We've also usually just let Buck out of his cage and so, all things considered, the beginning of Bible time is rather chaotic.  One day Lizzy was following Buck around and calling attention to his cuteness while I was trying to get everyone to be quiet already.  Caleb, with his heart in the right place, shouted, "THIS IS THE BIBLE, AND THAT'S IMPORTANTER THAN BUCK!"

After years of hard work, and some outside help, reading has finally clicked for Lizzy.  She can suddenly read fluently.  What a relief for me that we've finally succeeded at this goal, and what a joy for her.  I asked her recently, "How does it feel to be able to read?"  She said,

"It feels awesome."

Caleb--who is still figuring out his place in the world--to Jeddy:  "I'm the most important thing God made.  Even though I'm last."

And another day, when Jeddy told Caleb that the Romans killed a lot of people:  "They had bad manners."

And to think we insist on them saying please and thank you.

Caleb, to me, on another day, covering his entire math paper with a layer of pennies when he was supposed to be measuring a tiny line segment with them:  "Relax.  I know what I'm doing."

Lizzy and Caleb seem to be thick as thieves lately, playing together for hours while I do school with the older ones.  I commented on this to Lizzy one day.

Me:  "Have you and Caleb been getting along pretty well lately?"

Liz:  "Well....."

Me:  "Not always?"

Liz (eight years old):  "Not always, because we have sin."

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