Three weeks of school down.
Caleb showing off his completion of Level 1 reading. That boy's a thinker. He asked me what clouds are made of.
"They're made of tiny water droplets."
"How do they stay up?"
"You know, it's like steam. Steam goes up because it's little tiny water droplets."
"But how does it stay up?"
"Um, you know... hot air balloons go up. It's like that."
"Well, what's the point of gravity?"
I have to admit that stumped me.
Another day he was reading a story about a porcupine and its quills. He was struggling to remember what the animal was called, so he called it a "quillapine." Seems reasonable to me. Later he got closer and called it a "pokeypine," which also makes sense. |
I spent my birthday evening enjoying dinner with my family, including a cake that Ada made me; opening presents; and playing with my new
camera lens.
When it got dark out, I played with the light box Jeddy made for me. Ada held the light while I took pictures of household objects.
Then we turned our efforts to critter portraits.
Such a great birthday. Not least because Caleb addressed his homemade card "to Wow."
That may be my favorite nickname ever.
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