Monday, January 13, 2014

The state of the household

I'm thinking of cutting my hair short.  I'm looking forward to this, as I enjoy having someone do my hair.

Caleb, not so much.

Jason is in charge of buzz cuts around here.  Jeddy wiggles a little, but Caleb writhes and screams and flails and generally makes haircuts as traumatic as possible for the whole household.

As a result, we always miss a spot or two.  These usually become apparent only the next day, when his hair stops cowering and decides to stand up straight again.  But it's never worth going through all that trouble just to fix an odd spot, so this is what he currently looks like:

He has two long hairs on his crown sticking straight up like a TV antenna. 

It's better than it was, though.  I did use a scissors on him after we discovered a pretty major tuft over one ear:

Fortunately, blonde strays don't show up in pictures.

Lizzy loves her new Doodle Bunny.  This was Doodle Bunny's first "bubble bath" in the washing machine and she was quite concerned about it.

Caleb is tolerating his suspenders now, since everyone knows not to mention them.  We sneak them on when he's distracted.  

They all love their new training chopsticks, too.  They ate their breakfast cereal with them this morning.

And a fun school lesson today:

Spelling words in a salt tray.  (Please ignore the piles of dishes in the background.  We always do school in a pristine, orderly environment.)

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