Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Remind me

"The universe is vast beyond the stars,
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls,
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me, and bind me."  -Fernando Ortega, "Jesus King of Angels"

"Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."  -Luke 12:7

The voice of the enemy is in my head today, telling me that God doesn't care.  God is rolling His eyes, weary that you're back with the same old problems.  There are famines in Africa.  War all over.  His church is persecuted.  Cancer.  Crushing poverty.

Does God care about individuals or just wide swaths of need?

Do the cancer prayers "count" more than the "God, I'm so disheartened but I can't put my finger on why" prayers?

Does the God who cares for orphans and widows also care for affluent Americans in the suburbs?

Did God fling the stars into place and then sit back with a cold beer to watch what happened?

Or is He intimately concerned with everything that concerns me?

When Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me," did they approach Him with a list of global concerns like a U.N. committee head?  Or did they say, "Look at my boo-boo.  Mommy gave me a band-aid.  I have new shoes on.  Do you like macaroni and cheese?"

My Maker knows my weakness.  May He lift my eyes to those who greatly suffer.  But may I never disbelieve that He cares for me, His beloved child.

"In the loneliest places, 
When I can't remember what grace is...

When I can't receive Your love,
Afraid I'll never be enough,
Remind me who I am.
If I'm Your beloved,
Can You help me believe it?"  -Jason Gray, "Remind Me Who I Am"

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