Friday, March 7, 2014

Field trip to Mount Vernon with the boys

I didn't tell them to pose.  Caleb just went over to imitate Jed standing there.

I gathered my courage, dropped the girls off with Grandma, and drove the boys to the home of George Washington this week.  We just covered the American Revolution in school.

On the piazza (i.e., Washington's back porch), overlooking the Potomac.


I think it was a hit.  Caleb liked beeping buttons and seeing the sheep on the farm.  Jeddy appreciated seeing the actual key to the Bastille (given as a gift to Washington and still on display in his house).

An ambitious but successful field trip!


  1. I don't think I ever got to go on any field trips in elementary school. Home school teacher rocks!

  2. It looks like you guys and gal had a great time. We ladies and one gent, also had great fun that day!


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