Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Terribly (going on) two

My sweet little cherub has turned into a fallen angel.

He's perfected his demoniac impersonation.  He hates all clothing.  He refuses to sit down, anywhere, ever.  He almost knocked Grandma out chucking a bundle of silverware across the table.  He screams at night.

I finally decided since no offspring of *mine* would ever act this way, there must be something wrong with him, so I took him to the doctor.  He's had a runny nose for a while so an ear infection seemed like a reasonable guess.  

Previously at the doctor the part Caleb hated the most was being weighed.  For whatever reason, he always freaks out about it.  So I figured a doctor looking in his sore ear would go over even better.

While I explained to the nurse and then the doctor that I'm here because my child is in a constant horrible mood and terrible to live with, he sat placidly on my lap gazing at them.

When they weighed him, he was completely calm.

When the nurses had to "flush" his ear because there was too much wax, he sat perfectly still and quiet through the procedure, and then turned his ear toward the doctor so he could see it. 

And he got a clean bill of health, the little weasel.

When we came home and I placed him lovingly in his crib for his nap, he resumed his screaming.

Thus, little Dr. Jekyll's diagnosis, according to Mommy, is Incurable Crankiness.  

Believe me, it is highly contagious.

1 comment:

  1. Poor mom. But who can resist those adorable eyes. And he missed me with the silverware! I was impressed with that pitching arm at such a young age!


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